Services & Products

Temporary site hosting for non-profit organizations.
For non-profit organizations that require a temporary Internet site to announce upcoming events, fundraising drives, special announcements or other projects. Webstatic will provide hosting at,, or other suitable domains owned by Webstatic. Hosting does not include page design services. Organizations purchasing this temporary service must provide their own html/css compliant pages and graphics to Webstatic for upload to the temporary site. Use the Webstatic contact form to inquire about prices and availability for your non-profit project.

Domain name acquisition and management.
Webstatic will purchase and manage domain names for organizations that are not staffed in-house to perform this function. Domain names must be available for purchase. Annual fee for this service includes cost of the domain name, registration fees and monitoring for annual renewal of the domain. Cost does not include hosting or site design. Use the Webstatic contact form to inquire about prices for this service.

Domain name sales.
Webstatic owns a limited portfolio of domain names that are available for sale or rent. These are domain names only and not active Internet sites. Webstatic will consider hosting any of the domain names it has for sale for use by 3rd parties for temporary periods not to exceed one year. Use the Webstatic contact form to inquire about availability and price for any of the domains listed on the Webstatic portfolio page.